Tanja Kuehne, Sportwissenschaftlerin
  1. Kühne. T., (2016). Rückenhilfe: aus Alt macht Neu. Gymnastik Magazin. Leitthema. 06.2016. S. 10-11. Mehr dazu unter https://ballance-concepts.de

  2. Kühne. T., (2016). Der Rücken-Master. Fitness & Gesundheit. 4/2016. S. 65. Mehr dazu unter https://ballance-concepts.de

  3. Kühne. T., (2014). Neu Hilfe bei Verspannungen und Rückenschmerzen. AGR Aktuell 2014/ 51. S. 76-77. Mehr dazu unter https://ballance-concepts.de

  4. Hönning. J., Brück. K., Kühne. T., (2014). KYPHOSESTRESS: physiologische Regenerationsmechanismen gezielt beschleunigen. Medical Sports Network. 05.14. S. 42-44. Mehr dazu unter https://ballance-concepts.de

  5. Kuehne. T., (2012). Regeneration durch Vibration. Sport Medical Network. 6.12. S. 50.

  6. Kuehne, T. (2012). Ein praktikables Bewegungskonzept im betrieblichen Alltag. Corporate Health Convention in Stuttgart.

  7. Кюнэ, Т. (2005). Изменение энергетического метаболизма покоя женщин среднего возраста с избыточной массой тела под влиянием физической тренировки различного содержания. IX Мiжнародний науковий конгрес «Олiмпiйський спорт i спорт для всiх». Тези доповiдей. Київ. 798.

  8. Kuehne, T., Zasada, M. (2011). Effects of 8-Week Intermittent Whole Body Vibration Combined with Sub-Maximal Resistente Training on Strength Capacities in Health-Relaxed Training of Young Fetales. Pol. Journal Environ. Study. 20, 6, 1453-1464.

  9. Kuehne T., Mishchenko. V. (2009). Changes of metabolic rate an body fat related to 8 weeks of whole body vibrations training of young women. Book of Abstracts. 14th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science in Oslo.

  10. Kuehne T., V. Mishchenko. (2009). Influence of the whole body vibration stimulation in the process of health- related physical exercise upon strength capacities of young females. Book of Abstracts. 14 th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science in Oslo.

  11. Kuehne, T., Mishchenko,V. (2008). Individualities effects of resistance training upon resting metabolic rate in overweight female 39-49 years old. Book of Abstracts. 13 th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science in Estuarial. 552.

  12. Mishchenko, V., Kuehne, T. (2012). The effects of whole body vibration training coupled with aerobic exercises in health related training of middle age females. Zur Veröffentlichung eingereicht.

  13. Mishenko, V., Kuehne, T., Vinogradov, V., Melnik, L., Niewiedomska, A. (2012). The effects of health-related physical training combined with whole body vibration (vibration platform) on strength capacities of young females. Physical Education of Students// Scientific Journal - Kharkov: Krbnicu-kasha. 1 (114), 75-83.

  14. Mishchenko, V., Kuehne, T. (2009). Влияние сочетанного воздействия вибрации для всего тела и физических упражнений на отдельные показатели и факторы избыточной ассы тела молодых женищин. Наука в олимпийском спорте. 2, 39-46.

  15. Mishchenko, V., Kuehne, T., & Sawczin, S. (2007). The effect of high vs. low - velocity isokinetic strength training on resting metabolic rate an d correction body mass of overweight women. Book of Abstracts. 12 th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science in Jyväskylä. 573.

  16. Mishchenko V., Kuehne T., Melnik L. (2007). Changes of rest energy expenditure and fat oxidation in overweight women related to physical training of different types. Ukrainian Journal of Sport. Medicine. 2, 40-44.

  17. Mishchenko V., Kuehne T., Melnik L. (2007). Body mass correction of middle age female in different type of rehabilitation training. Ukrainian Journal of Teoria and Metod. Phys. Education and Sports. 3, 71-77.

  18. Mishchenko, V., Kuehne, T. (2005). Resting metabolic rate in response to 16 weeks resistance and aerobic exercises rehabilitation training programs of overweight women. Book of Abstracts. 10 th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science in Belgrade. 246.

  19. Mishchenko, V., Tomiak, T., Kuehne, T. (2004). Correction on induced fatigue transient changes of cardiorespiratory response sensitivity by respiratory muscle training. VIII Международный научный конгресс «Современный олимпийский спорт и спорт для всех». Материалы Конгресса. Том II. Алматы. 166.

  20. Mishchenko, V., Tomiak, T., Kuehne, T. (2003). Inter-individual differences of anaerobe capacity in the homogenous groups of performance athletes (rowers & cyclists). Book of Abstracts. 8 th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science in Salzburg.

  21. Мельник, Л., Кюнэ, Т., Мищенко, В. (2006). Физическая реабилитация женщин с избыточным весом с использованием расширенной программы силовых упражнений. Материалы 10-го Международного Научного Конгресса «Современный Олимпйский Спорт и Спорт для Всех». Гданск.139-142.

  22. Sawczyn, S., Keuhne, T., Michałowska-Sawczyn M. (2007). Wpływ treningu fizycznego aerobowego i siłowego na korektę masy ciała u kobiet w wieku średnim. Tytuł w wersji angielskiej: Effect of aerobic and strength training on correction of body mass in middle aged women.W: Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sect. D, Medicina. 62 , 18 (7), 186-190.

  23. Sawczyn, S., Kuehne, T. (2006). The different types of isokinetic strength training in rehabilitation programs of overweight women. Book of Abstracts. 11 th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science in Lausanne.558.

  24. Sawczyn, S., Kuehne T. (2005). Effects of Strength Training for Physical Rehabilitation in Obese Middle Aged Females. Research Yearbook. “Medsportpress”. 11, ISSN 1730-7988. 55-59.

  25. Sawczyn, S., Kuehne, T. (2005). Improving of resting metabolic rate by isokinetic resistance training versus traditional endurance rehabilitation training programs of middle age overweight women. «Актуальнi проблеми фiзичної культури i спорту». Збiрник наукових праць. Випуск 6-7. Київ. 120 -124.

  26. Tomiak, T., Mishchenko, V., Kuehne, T. (2004). Influence of respiratory muscle training on cardiorespiratoty response sensitivity and fast kinetics in endurance athletes. Book of Abstracts. 9 th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science in Clermont –Ferrand. 189.

  27. Бернавская, Т. (2000). Коррекция физическогос состояния женщин второго зрелого возраста на основании использования специализированных тренажерных комплексов. IV Мiжнародний науковий конгрес «Олiмпiйський спорт i спорт для всiх: проблеми здоров`я, рекреацiї, спортивної медицини та реабiлiтацiї». Тези доповiдей. Київ. 64.